15 Jul Brueghel and the Sèvres’s ceramics reigns in Spain in January
The January auctions, although the great majority didn’t present greateful catalogs, had obtain excellent results. Durán presented his auction on January 25, at 6:00 p.m. In the catalog, hidden to the less savvy eyes, there was a drawing in ink with three architecture studios (27.5 x 16.5 cm), signed by Antonio del Castillo. Already at the beginning of the auction the table presented an offer of € 1,500, finally dying to a telephone bidder for € 3,250. As it was supposed, the piece was not going to rise with a higher price, mainly because in Spain a drawing of these characteristics isn’t valued enough.
DEL CASTILLO, ANTONIO. Tres estudios de arquitectura. 1662. Dibujo a tinta. Precio de remate: 3.250€ (Durán)
Then, the 19th century painting sales stand out, among which we see Nocturnal in Trasimeno Lake (O / L, 100 x 100 cm), signed by Salvador Sánchez Barbudo and present in our previous article. It was settled at € 14,000, € 1,000 less than what was ordered by the canvas in November. Also, although in the twentieth century, we see Anguille (39.8 x 55 cm), a mixed technique on paper by Miquel Barceló, which had appeared so often in Duran starting at € 17,000 up to what was requested on this occasion, € 6,000, in which it was finally awarded.
Leaving the pictorial art, we see how the lot that was presented as the highlight of the auction, lot 502, was a table clock with base flanked by two seated puttis, with machinery Paris and two decorative amphoras in Sèvres porcelain, which it left for € 7,000 and ended up ditching € 15,000. It was not the only batch: online, through live-bidding, a large 1900 French mirror of carved, stuccoed and gilded wood was sold, which, although it came out at € 2,500, was settled at € 8,500. As for the decorative art in which we find ourselves, we also see a couple of pieces in carved coral, which rose respectively from € 3,000 to € 5,000 and from € 1,200 to € 2,750. As for African tribal art, we see the prominent lot, the Kifwebe balaume Songye mask, sold for € 3,750 that was asked for the exit.
As for Ansorena, we saw a spectacular sale of a Joos de Momper the Younger and Jan Brueghel the Elder, Landscape with characters (93 x 12o cm): € 125,000 that defended the table by a previous bid. It is not strange that we see this, since at the end of the day he carried with him a letter from the year 2010 of Justus Muller Hofstede as confirmation of the authorship. Then we also see a great copper from Jan Brueghel the Younger, Calvary (14.5 x 20 cm), which was awarded € 22,000 from the € 14,000 output.
As for the most recent pictorial section, we saw the work of Francisco Pradilla, with Dancer on the day of her debut (O / L, 93 x 65 cm, 1918). It was sold for € 65,000, € 5,000 higher than the last time it was auctioned, also in Ansorena. Afterwards, José Benlliure and his Las Brujas (O / L, 169 x 260 cm), which was settled at € 44,000 from € 40,000. As we already mentioned, on the obverse we see Earth, a fragment at least of the same work, from 1881. The original canvas was reused to paint on top, being originally 400 x 600 cm.
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Especialista en pintura moderna, tasadora y perito. Graduada en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Salamanca.
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