13 Nov El Remate presents an interesting selection of books
The house from Madrid, based mainly on the work of books and other elements printed on paper, will hold an upcoming tender on October 25 in its room (C / Modesto Lafuente, 12). On this occasion we bring you the best lots of their catalog, a selection composed of books and various elements that we consider of great interest to bibliophiles and diverse public interested in books and manuscripts. Ahead!
We begin with Description des projects et de la construction des pot de Neuilly, de Mantes, d’Orléans & autres. Du project du canal de Bourgogne pour la communication des deux mers par Dijon et de celui de la conduite des eaux de l’Yvette et de Bièvre a Paris. It is an important work by Jean Rodolphe Perronet, by Imprimerie Royale, dating from 1782. Perronet was a French engineer and architect, who designed multiple bridges in the country and founded the École des Ponts et Chaussées in Paris. It will be auctioned for € 4,500 (see). We jump from France to our country, where we find Succession del Rey D. Phelipe V. Nuestro Señor en la Corona de España. Diario de sus viages desde Versalles a Madrid, el que executó para su feliz casamiento, jornada a Nápoles, a Milán y a su exercito: sucesos de la campaña, y su buelta a Madrid. It is written by Antonio de Ubilla y Medina, Marquis of Ribas, and is one of the most important books of the Spanish Baroque and Rococo era. It can be compared, in fact, with the Don Quixote de Ibarra of 1780, or the Royal Mask of 1764. It was commissioned by the same king to his Universal Dispatch Secretary, and he sought to legitimize Felipe de Anjou. It is divided into four parts, the former explaining the circumstances of the succession in 1700 and the trip of Felipe to Madrid swearing the Castilian laws, the second the trip to Barcelona and the oath of the Aragonese and Catalan constitutions, together with his wedding in Figueras with Maria Luisa Gabriela in 1702. The third tells us about the monarch’s participation in the first conflicts of the war of succession in the Italian territories, finally telling us about his return to Madrid. It will be auctioned for € 2,500 (see).
- LOTE 12: PERRONET, JEAN RODOLPHE. Description des projects et de la construction des pot de Neuilly, de Mantes, d’Orléans & autres. Du project du canal de Bourgogne pour la communication des deux mers par Dijon et de celui de la conduite des eaux de l’Yvette et de Bièvre a París. Precio de salida: 4.500€
- LOTE 65: UBILLA Y MEDINA, ANTONIO DE. Succession del Rey D. Phelipe V. Nuestro Señor en la Corona de España. Diario de sus viages desde Versalles a Madrid, el que executó para su feliz casamiento, jornada a Nápoles, a Milán y a su exercito: sucesos de la campaña, y su buelta a Madrid. Precio de salida: 2.500€
We continue with a work by the Archbishop of Nicea, Cardinal Bessarion, entitled Quae hoc in volumine tractntur Bessarionis Cardinalis Niceni … In calumniatorem Platonis libri quatuor …; eiusdem correctio librorum Platonis. From legibus Georgio Trapezuntio interprete …; eiusdem de natura et arte adversus eumdem Trapezuntium. Printed in Venice in 1516, it presents two parts: the first is the aldina edition (from the Aldo Manuzio printing house), speaking of Plato’s defense and Bessarion’s defense of Platonism, in response to the Laws of Jorge de Trebisonda that exalted hard to Aristotle. The second part includes Bessarion’s translation of Aristotle’s Metaphysics, as well as Temistio’s first book. It will be auctioned for € 3,500 (see). It is followed by Lucubrationes omnes, edited by Erasmus, together with Elucidatorium Ecclesiasticum ad officium Ecclesiae Pertinentia, in an edition between 1515 and 1517. Séneca forms one of the strongest currents of thought of the humanistic era, affirming the equality of all men and women, advocating a moderate life. Erasmus, on the other hand, admired and raised Seneca’s work, bringing to print a critical edition of his works, which we can see here. The second work is a liturgical treatise by Josse van Clichtove (1472 – 1543). Sale at auction for € 3,500 (see).
- LOTE 74: BESSARION, CARDENAL. Arzobispo de Nicea. Quae hoc in volumine tractantur Bessarionis Cardinalis Niceni … In calumniatorem Platonis libri quatuor… ; eiusdem correctio librorum Platonis. De legibus Georgio Trapezuntio interprete… ; eiusdem de natura et arte adversus eumdem Trapezuntium. Precio de salida: 3.500€
- LOTE 142: SÉNECA y ERASMO; CLICHTOVE, JOSSE VAN. Lucubrationes omnes, editada por Erasmo, junto a Elucidatorium Ecclesiasticum ad officium Ecclesiae Pertinentia. Precio de salida: 3.500€
From Francisco de Quevedo and Villegas we find Obras de … from the year 1772, by Joachin Ibarra. It is presented in vintage binding, in Spanish paste, with double weave. It presents several sheets inside. Sale to auction for € 1,200 (see). But even more interesting is this Tribunal de superstición ladina, explorador del saber, astucia, y poder del demonio: en que se condena lo que suele correr por bueno en hechizos, agueros, ensalmos, vanos saludadores, maleficios, co[n]juros, arte notoria, caualista, y paulina…, a work by Gaspar Navarro, very strange at the time and in Castilian. Many anecdotes are included due to Navarro’s office as a rural priest for almost twenty years. It goes on sale for € 1,000 (see).
- LOTE 235: QUEVEDO Y VILLEGAS, FRANCISCO DE. Obras de… Precio de salida: 1.200€
- LOTE 284: NAVARRO, GASPAR. Tribunal de Superstición ladina. explorador del saber, astucia, y poder del demonio : en que se condena lo que suele correr por bueno en hechizos, agueros, ensalmos, vanos saludadores, maleficios, co[n]juros, arte notoria, caualista, y paulina… Precio de salida: 1.000€
It is followed by the work of Francisco Antonio de Ettehard, Compendium of the foundations of the true dexterity and philosophy of weapons, edited by Antonio de Zafra in Madrid in the year 1675. It explains a doctrine that, based on eminently geometric principles, converted it in an extremely scientific discipline. It was defended in the same way by Pacheco de Narváez and had a great influence on the Spanish scene at the time. Sale at auction for € 850 (see). A work printed by Georg Husner entitled History Alexandri Magni Regis Macidoniea de Proelis, of the year 1494 draws attention. It is an incunabula on the history of Alexander the Great, and compiles the legendary facts of the life of Alexander III of Macedonia, written in Greek in around the third century AD It is attributed, to a large extent, to Callisthenes, although to this day it is believed impossible because he fell into disgrace before Alexander and died in prison. Sale at auction for € 4,000 (see).
- LOTE 333: ETTENHARD, FRANCISCO ANTONIO DE. Compendio de los fundamentos de la verdadera destreza y filosofia de las armas. Precio de salida: 850€
- LOTE 380: PSEUDO-CALÍSTENES. Historia Alexandri Magni Regis Macedoniea de Proelis, Precio de salida: 4.000€
We close with two very special lots. The first is the work of Diego Rodríguez de Almela, and is entitled Valerio de la hystorias scolasticas dela Sagrada Scritura y de los hechos despaña co[n] las batallas ca[m]pales. Copiladas por Ferran Perez de Guzma[n]. It is a Hispanicization of the work of Valerio Máximo, extolling virtues through anecdotes taken from historians and philosophers. It goes to auction for € 5,000 (see). The second work, even more striking, is a Relación breve de las reliquias que se hallaron en la ciudad de Granada, en una torre antiquísima y en las cavernas del Monte Illiputiano de Valparayso, cerca de la ciudad. Sacado del processo y averiguaciones q[ue] cerca de ello se hicieron. We are talking about a relationship of the findings and controversies raised around the relics of Sacromonte, of the late sixteenth century. We find an extensive account of the whole event. Sale at auction for € 7,000 (see).
- LOTE 397: RODRÍGUEZ DE ALMELA, DIEGO. Valerio de la hystorias scolasticas dela Sagrada Scritura y de los hechos despaña co[n] las batallas ca[m]pales. Copiladas por Fernan Perez de Guzma[n]. Precio de salida: 5.000€
- LOTE 434: LÓPEZ MADERA, GREGORIO. Relación breve de las reliquias que se hallaron en la ciudad de Granada, en una torre antiquísima y en la cavernas del Monte Illipulitano de Valparayso, cerca de la ciudad. Sacado del processo y averiguaciones q[ue] cerca de ello se hicieron. Precio de salida: 7.000€
Más noticias de Arte
Especialista en pintura moderna, tasadora y perito. Graduada en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Salamanca.
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